
Dr. Crawford is Featured in Fabulous Fort Worth Star-Telegram Article

In Friday's Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper (6.12.2009), Jim Jones wrote an excellent article about humor in Christianity. He included Dr. Crawford and his new book, Mud Hen in a Peacock Parade: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven. You can read the article on the Fort Worth Star-Telegram website. The first few paragraphs of the article are featured below.

Movement holds that Christianity has plenty of room for humor By Jim Jones

Did Jesus laugh?

"I think he did," said Dan Crawford, a retired Fort Worth seminary professor and author. Jesus was no stick-in-the-mud, he says. "People have painted him much too serious."

Crawford’s new book, Mud Hen in a Peacock Parade: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven (Hannibal Books, $14.95) says that interest in religious humor is surging. He cites the growing popularity of Christian comedians. More pastors, he said, are using humor to hold attention in a society geared to sound bites.

"We are in pretty tough times now, so people find relief when they can laugh," Crawford said. "And I believe God has a sense of humor."
... Read the rest of Jim Jones' article at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram website.

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