
What Others are Saying About "Alcohol Today"

We appreciate Peter Lumpkins’ contribution to this crucial issue. We applaud all genuine efforts to convince followers of Jesus that the use of alcoholic beverages in any form is inconsistent with the lifestyle of an obedient Christian in the 21st century.
-Richard Land, president, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention

A postmodern era of indulgence brands advocacy of abstinence from beverage alcohol as legalism worthy of the Pharisees, even as it gurgles its way to an ever-increasing embrace of the world. But Peter Lumpkins in Alcohol Today: Abstinence in an Age of Indulgence demonstrates why abstinence not only is wisdom but also a matter of obedience to Christ and holiness before God.
- Paige Patterson, President
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX

Peter Lumpkins has dealt skillfully and biblically with one of the real hot issues in our land today. Voices are calling for the moderate use of alcohol and recreational drinks as a way to reach our culture. Peter has carefully examined the Scriptural texts and gives a clear case for how committed believers are to approach this subject. I applaud his effort in these pages and believe he has convincingly presented the case for abstinence as the Scriptural pattern for this issue.
- Jimmy Draper, president emeritus, LifeWay Christian Resources

Peter Lumpkins has done an amazing piece of work. He has explored the various views on the question of drinking “recreational alcohol” (booze) by disciples of Jesus. With the precision of a surgeon he dissects the views and then stitches them together for an overall answer to the question. This is the first book of this nature that I have read in years—the best argument in print against the outlandish and inaccurate views of “not use but abuse.” Every preacher should make this a must reading.
-John Sullivan, executive director-treasurer, Florida Baptist Convention

Peter Lumpkins’ book calls us back to biblical convictions. Peter “rightly divides the word of truth” and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ providing a firm foundation for 21st-century believers in a Laodicean age.
- Roger Freeman, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Clarksville, TN
Past president, Tennessee Baptist Convention

In a wedding of biblical/historical scholarship and reasonable obedience to Christ, Peter Lumpkins turns watered-down “moderation” and poisonedwell hedonism into the pure wine of truth. What a timely occasion for someone taking the intellectual gloves off and striking a blow for total abstinence from alcohol! Every believer, particularly in the younger generation, should drink deeply from this reservoir—and pass it on.
- Hayes Wicker, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Naples, FL
Former president, Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference and the Florida Baptist Convention

Alcohol Today: Abstinence in an Age of Indulgence is a masterwork. It provides a devastating argument against any use of beverage alcohol. It reveals the fact that the Bible and common sense condemn the use of a recreational, destructive, and mind-altering drug. Replete with scholarly evidence, Peter Lumpkins’ book will change minds and save lives.
- David R. Brumbelow, pastor, Northside Baptist Church, Highland, TX
Author, The Wit and Wisdom of Pastor Joe Brumbelow

Peter Lumpkins has done the Body of Christ a significant favor in his excellent and scholarly study on social drinking among present-day church members. Thank God for his courageous stance! I pray many will read this book and heed its wise counsel.
- Evangelist Junior Hill, Hartselle, AL

The alcohol issue is a volatile debate among many believers. It also is a critical discussion because of the high impact of alcohol’s negative effect on so many. Peter Lumpkins provides a clear and compelling case for total abstinence built on Scripture and sound spiritual ethics. It deserves a reading by every thoughtful follower of Jesus. Alcohol Today is a vital resource for Christians committed to excellence in life and dedicated to the highest standards of faith and practice.
- Jack Graham, Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, TX

Peter Lumpkins provides an exhaustive, in-depth investigation into the use of alcohol as a beverage. He reaches the conclusion that this usage is unwise, unhelpful, and unscriptural. I applaud him for his work and commend this read to all interested in thoroughly considering this issue.
- Jim Richards, Executive Director, Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Past first vice-president, Southern Baptist Convention

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